In this episode
Dario Milo continues his series on Media Law by looking at Surveillance. This is the third episode in the series of 5.
Surveillance by the government and others of journalists has become a major concern around the world, and increasingly in South Africa. amaBhungane's challenge to aspects of the surveillance laws - seeking to compel greater checks and balances - is pending before the Constitutional Court. Unjustified surveillance undermines our privacy rights, and also impacts on freedom of expression and media freedom.
Dario's guests are Sam Sole and Jane Duncan. Sam, award-winning investigative journalist and amaBhungane co-managing partner, fortuitously discovered he was under surveillance and with his colleagues at amaBhunagne decided to challenge the law. Professor Jane Duncan is in the Department of Journalism, Film and Television, at the University of Johannesburg and is the author of the book “Stopping the Spies: Constructing and resisting the surveillance state in South Africa”.