AI and Legal Technology Advisory

​​​​​​​Webber Wentzel Fusions offers AI and legal technology consulting services to help in-house legal teams modernise their operations. We assist teams in enhancing their efficiency, consistency, and risk management through strategic use of technology. Our experts help corporate legal departments identify the best digital tools to enhance decision-making, automate tasks, streamline legal operations, and free up resources for strategic priorities.​​

Our approach is straightforward and client-focused: we prioritise understanding your unique business and operational context to provide tailored and unbiased advice on AI and legal technologies that align with your specific needs. We can help you with scoping, platform assessment, selection, and implementation, vendor negotiations and relationship management, business case development and return-on-investment (ROI) evaluations. Our strategies typically also include optimising your existing technology suite, leveraging integrations, and removing any redundant tools.

Our team is also responsible for driving AI and legal technology adoption within the firm, particularly on client matters. We identify market-leading enterprise-grade and emerging technologies to drive real value, address pain points and ensure the highest levels of efficiency and quality. We believe in fit-for-purpose solutions. We possess an extensive legal technology toolkit, continually expanding it through proactive horizon-scanning and rigorous evaluation frameworks. Our approach involves harnessing the advantages- while effectively managing the limitations - of each technology.

Our commitment is to build a sustainable and innovative legal technology framework for our clients and people to ensure that legal services are digitally optimised and continue to add meaningful and tangible value to all stakeholders.

Webber Wentzel > Expertise > Services > Webber Wentzel Fusion > AI and Legal Technology Advisory
Johannesburg +27 (0) 11 530 5000
Cape Town +27 (0) 21 431 7000
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