eDiscovery and Data Analysis

​​​​​​We offer end-to-end eDiscovery and Data Analytics solutions to help our clients and legal teams manage digital information in a complex and evolving legal landscape.

Using advanced AI and document review technology, we provide in-depth insights and uncover critical connections in complex datasets quickly. We make it simpler to prioritise critical information and identify the most relevant documents quickly, which is essential for discovery in legal proceedings.

We leverage our deep understanding of both the law and technology to deliver customised and cost-effective solutions across the entire eDiscovery life cycle, from early case assessment, data processing, document review, and production to evidentiary hearings and trial preparation. We use effective keyword searches, data extraction, data de-duplication and visualisation features that enable our lawyers to focus their efforts on the areas that matter most.

We have significant experience in supporting and managing high-profile, complex legal and regulatory responses and investigations. Whether it is advising on eDiscovery best practices, preparing for litigation, analysing structured data, disposing of digital debris, applying machine learning, or handling pathogenic data, our team of experts can handle any challenge with efficiency and confidence.

Webber Wentzel > Expertise > Services > Webber Wentzel Fusion > eDiscovery and Data Analysis
Johannesburg +27 (0) 11 530 5000
Cape Town +27 (0) 21 431 7000
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