Treatment of Broadcasting Rights in the Two Largest Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

​​Broadcasting rights are and have continually become a source of vibrant discussion amongst the various key players, notably the broadcast rights holders, and regulatory authorities trying to find a delicate balance between what oftentimes are competing interests.

The aim of this Guide is to provide an overview and comparison of the broadcasting rights regimes in Nigeria and South Africa by asking pertinent questions on the regulatory landscape (future and present) for broadcasting in Nigeria and South Africa. This Guide also aims to give different perspectives from the regulators and broadcast rights holders' standpoints in each jurisdiction. We hope the Guide will provide a better understanding of the interplay between broadcast rights holders' contractual rights and the complex array of broadcast regulation, particularly in the pay per view television space as well as relevant information for prospective new entrants.

This is a joint publication by Aluko & Oyebode and Webber Wentzel.​


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